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KCI 등재
신뢰성 분야 연구 리뷰
Special Issue of commemorating the 50th anniversary : Literature Review on the Reliability in KSQM for 50 Years
성시일 ( Si Il Sung ) , 김용수 ( Yong Soo Kim ) , 문병민 ( Byeong Min Mun ) , 배석주 ( Suk Joo Bae )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2017-320-000099534

Purpose: This paper reviews the papers on reliability issues which are published in the Journal of the Korean Society for Quality Management (KSQM) since 1965. The literature review is purposed to survey a variety of reliability issues for several categories Methods: We divide all of reliability issues into 9 categories: acceleration test, reliability estimation, system reliability, software reliability, reliability data collection and analysis method, lifetime distribution, maintenance and warranty strategy, reliability applications, and reliability applications to military area Results: Dividing all of papers on reliability published in KSQM for 50 years into 9 categories, we provide a chronological roadmap for individual categories, and summarize the contents and contributions of surveyed papers Conclusion: The review paper is expected to provide future direction to improve reliaiblity theories and applications in manufacturing and service industries

1. 서 론
2. 신뢰성 분야별 리뷰
3. 결 론
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]