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조선(朝鮮) 한문(漢文) 간찰(簡札)의 교정부호 등 비문자 정보 연구
A Study on Marks of Non-Character Information in Chinese Letters of Choseon Dynasty
임병권 ( Byeong Gwon Im ) , 강택구 ( Taek Goo Kang )
언어와 정보 사회 vol. 27 305-341(37pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2016-700-000672368

There are three Marks of non-character Information in Chinese Letters of Choseon Dynasty: 1) mark of correction, 2) mark of respect, 3) mark of repetition. The mark of correction is written in the space between the vertical lines, and if it states on the side (right or left) of the Chinese character then it should be deleted, or moved to other location, or replaced by other character. If the mark or character states on the side of the space between characters, then there should be inserted a new character or mark. If the mark is a pressed flat dot like ``,`` or a small circle like ``.``, it will indicate the place of correction or the destination of transfer, and if the mark has a pointed end, it will indicate the direction of transfer. To express the respect, the gentry of Choseon Dynasty, like them of ancient China, raised or put a blank in front of the character which meant the opponent and nobleman to the top of line or the higher place. On the other hand, to express the modesty, wrote a small character which meant the writer himself on the right side of the lane. In other words, they equated the character with the referent, and the indirectness with the respect. To indicate the repetition of the character, they put single or double dot(s) in the lane. Sometimes the correspondence of the mark of repetition with the character is not so certain as of now.

1. 서론
2. 교정 부호
3. 반복 부호
4. 결론
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]