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골반 중립에 따른 뒤넙다리근 수동 신장 운동이 유연성과 족저압에 미치는 영향
Effects of the Stretching Exercise of Hamstring Muscle on Flexibility and Foot Pressure in Subjects with and without Pelvis Neutral Position
조민지 ( Min Ji Jo ) , 권나영 ( Na Young Kwon ) , 박수민 ( Su Min Park ) , 서동현 ( Dong Hyun Seo ) , 정재령 ( Jae Ryung Jung ) , 하미선 ( Mi Seon Ha ) , 양회송(교신저자) ( Hoe Song Yang ) , 정찬주 ( Chan Joo Jeong ) , 유영대 ( Young Dae Yoo ) , 전현주 ( Hyun Ju Jun )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2016-510-000670099

Purpose : The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of flexibility and foot pressure on stretching exercise of hamstring muscle with and without pelvis neutral position. Methods : This study was performed on 30 subjects. Thirty subjects were divided into two group; hamstring passive stretching exercise with pelvis neutral position(n=15), hamstring passive stretching exercise without pelvis neutral position(n=15). Both of the group performed the exercise 4 times a week for 6 weeks. The data was analyzed by the paired t-test for comparing before and after changes of factors in each group and the independent t-test for comparing the between groups. Results : The results were as follows. There was statistically significant difference of before and after hamstring flexibility, foot pressure in pelvis neutral position(p<0.05). There was statistically significant difference of before and after hamstring flexibility, foot pressure without pelvis neutral position group(p<0.05). There was no statistically significant difference of between the two group in hamstring flexibility, foot pressure(p>0.05). Conclusion : As a result of this study, though no statistically significant difference of the between groups, we suggest that stretching exercise of hamstring muscle with pelvic neutral may be effective more than stretching exercise of hamstring muscle without pelvic neutral in flexibility, foot pressure.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]