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Espette법에 의한 ESR 측정법의 검토
An Evaluation of the Espette Method f or Determining Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
김대중 ( Dae Joong Kim ) , 박미영 ( Mi Young Park ) , 박민규 ( Min Gyu Park ) , 이귀순 ( Kuy Soon Lee ) , 정은경 ( Eun Kung Jung )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2016-510-000681201
* 발행 기관의 요청으로 구매가 불가능한 자료입니다.

This stuty was studied in 42 healthy young men and 31 healthy young women by Espette method for normal reference value of ESR in this laboratory and also in 125 randomly selected patients for comparison of ESR between the Espette method and Wintrobe method. The normal reference value of young man was 0 to 12 mm/hr and the normal reference value of young woman was 0 to 23 mm/hr. So the nomal reference value of ESR were higher in woman than in man. In comparison of ESR of patient group, ESR by Wintrobe method was higher than by Espette method (P < 0.05) and correlation of two method was show high degree (r=0.865, r=0.939, r=0.846, r=0.915) This Espette method consist of disposable plastic tubes is more convenient and safe technique for measuring the ESR, because a dilution step is not involed and it requires less sample. Furthermore, the confusing affects of anemia can be avoided, because adequate hematocrit corrections can he applied.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]