本稿は、朝鮮半島にル-ツをもつ人ケが中心となって、日本で活動するキリスト敎會(韓國系キリスト敎會)の提供する宗敎的プログラムが、國際結婚夫婦の信仰にどのような影響を與えるのかを明らかにすることを目的とする。これまでの硏究は、韓國系キリスト敎會の宗敎的プログラムと信者の關係に注目してきたが、國際結婚夫婦は見逃されてきた。 調査對象とした國際結婚夫婦(韓國系ニュ-カマ-妻と日本人夫)は、當初、韓國系ニュ-カマ-妻が自らの言語や習慣に親和的な敎會で熱心に活動する一方、日本人夫は韓國系ニュ-カマ-妻に付き添う周邊的な信者として同じ敎會に參與していた。だが2008年以降、夫婦の通っていた敎會の信者が減少し、日本への定住志向がある信者の割合の相對的な增加によって、日本語話者を定着させるための宗敎的プログラムが充實した。そうした中で日本人夫が、敎會活動へ積極的に參與し、韓國系ニュ-カマ-妻の信仰のあり方を目標とするようになった。こうして國際結婚夫婦は、敎會の中心メンバ-となったが、夫婦關係に加え、信仰面から見た上下關係が、敎會への歸屬意識よりも優先され、敎會內でトラブルが起きた際には、夫婦前って他の敎會に移るケ-スがみられた。 本稿は、日本語話者を定着させるための敎會の宗敎的プログラムが、日本人夫の敎會活動への參與を活性化させ、國際結婚夫婦間に存在する宗敎的實踐の差異を信仰面から捉え直させる一方で、それがかえって夫婦をともに敎會から離れさせる要因にもなりうることを指摘する。
This study explains the effect of religious organizations’ programs of active Christian churches in Japan operated mainly by people originally from the Korean Peninsula(Korean Churches) on the faith of international marriage couples. Previous studies on Korean Churches, they have been focused on religious programs and followers of the relationship between Korean Churches, however international marriage couples have been overlooked. Initially, the wives in the surveyed couples(Korean newcomer wife and Japanese husband) diligently practiced their religion at a church that was familiar with their language and customs while the husbands took part in the same church as peripheral believers accompanying their wives. However, after 2008, as the number of followers at the church decreased and the proportion of the group of permanent resident followers of Japan grew in comparison, the number of religious programs to fix Japanese speakers at the church increased. Under such circumstances, the husbands began participating in church activities of their own accord and began to target the way of faith of their wives. While some International marriage couples became central members of the church in this way, some couples switched to another church after prioritizing their marital relationship and religious hierarchical relationship over the sense of identification with a specific church. This study posits that while the church’s religious programs to fix Japanese speakers at the church seemed to activated participating in church among Japanese husbands and re-perceive the differences in religious practice between International marriage couples who follow Christianity in the point of view of faith, it can actually become a cause for both the husband and wife to leave the church.