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음식 문화의 언어학적 연구 가능성 모색 -1900년대 이후 한국의 음식명 변화를 중심으로-
Language studies exploring the possibility of a food culture research: focusing on the food name changes since 1900`s, Korea
최정진 ( Jeong Jin Choi )
한국언어문화 vol. 58 347-368(22pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2016-700-000690779

In this paper, I suggest that linguistic analyses are useful to cultural methodology through discussing the aspect of changes of korean food naming structure in 20th century. Before 1990, korean food naming structure is relatively simple. Contrary, since 1990``s, it is so difficult to describe the naming rule of korean food name. These complexity in food name changesrepresents drastic sociocultural changes and often imply the cultural methodology based on linguistic analyses. I try to show the possibility of cultural methodology in perspective on linguistics by discussing three kinds of korean food cultures in chapter 4. Each of those cultures is (1) the pie culture, (2) the curry/cheese/mayonaise culture, and (3) the chicken culture.

1. 서론
2. 20세기 초·중반 한국 음식명의 명명 구조
3. 1990년대 이후 음식명의 언어학적 특징
4. 음식명에 기초한 현대 한국 음식 문화 연구 가능성
5. 결론
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]