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탄지마트 이후 이슬람-오스만제국의 근대 성문법 체계 도입과 샤리아법원 변화 연구: 가족법령(Hukuk-ı Aile Kararnamesi)을 중심으로
Study on the Introduction of Statutory System and the Conversion of Sharia Court after Tanzimat Decree in Islam-Ottoman Empire: Focusing on Family Law Act (Hukuk-ı Aile Kararnamesi)
오은경 ( Eun Kyung Oh )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2016-280-000688103

This study on the Introduction of Statutory System and the Conversion of Sharia Court after Tanzimat Decree in Islam-Ottoman Empire: Focusing on Family Law Act (Hukuk-ı Aile Kararnamesi) OH, Eun-Kyung Dongduk Women`s University This study is focused on the amendment of family-related law which was taken as a last step in the process of large-scale modification of laws and regulations after the modernization reform Tanzimat decree at the end of Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire was a great country which had retained the Caliph system to the last. After losing the World War I, the Ottoman Empire had been keeping its national identity as a Sunni Islamic Country until abolition of Caliph system in 1924. Before that, there was no choice but to carry out modernization and westernization of the country in order to restore national sovereignty and build up national power. It was almost a revolution to establish a modern state legal system from the Sharia law which had been the norms stipulating the relationship between God and man. Therefore, it is meaningful to study how the courts and the judicial system had been changed from the Ottoman Empire to Republic of Turkey. In particular, family law was the most controversial issue at the end of the Ottoman Empire. However, the amendment of family-related law and regulations had not been made until the last gasp of the Empire because the religious authorities obsessed with tradition and custom obstinately resisted change. Under such circumstances the enactment of Family Law Act 1917 has a historical significance because it was the first modern statutory law related to families and women in the most conservative religious state like Ottoman Empire. In this article we are analyzing the diverse aspects of the Family Law Act 1917 at a stage of conversion from god-centered and religious Islamic country to modern national state, including its background, details, characteristics, implications, limits as well as its influence on the political, social, cultural and historical change.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]