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일본 의과대학에서의 전통의학 교육의 현황 조사연구
Education for a Traditional Medicine in Medical Schools in Japan
명예슬 ( Ye Seul Myeong ) , 안수연 ( Soo Yeon Ahn ) , 손창규 ( Chang Gue Son )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2016-510-000693314

Objectives : This study aimed to overview the current education status of a traditional medicine by medical schools in Japan. Methods : We surveyed the literatures regarding a traditional medicine education in Japan, and get the information via email-interview with an officer of medical schools in Japan as well as from their websites. Results : Japan`s education ministry presented the appropriateness of education for traditional medicine to medical students in 2001, and most of medical schools begun to set up the classes in Japan. We received the detail information of the traditional medicine education from 21 medical schools. Nineteen colleges(approximately 90%) of those have the regular classes for traditional medicine while two colleges don`t have the education program for the traditional medicine. Most of medical schools have single class for introduction of traditional medicine, and have average 16.2±8.8 hours during the 4th grade(61.9%). Conclusions : We presented the general feature of education for traditional medicine in Japan, and this result would be basic information for an establishment of a strategy regarding the enhancement of national competitiveness of traditional Korean medicine.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]