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기술자료 : 농업부문 CDM 사업 현황과 한국에의 시사점: 가축분뇨처리 메탄감축 CDM 사업을 중심으로
Technical Note : An Analysis on the CDM Project in Agricultural Sector and Its Implications for Korea: Focused on Animal Waste Management CDM Project
임성수 ( Sung Soo Lim )
DOI 10.9786/kswm.2014.31.7.800
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2016-530-000702716

Agriculture is not only sources, but also sinks of GHGs through removal or sequestration of carbon and methane. There have been many efforts around the world to improve agriculture’s ability to sequester GHGs and to seek ways for economic benefits through the emissions reduction project. Specially, animal waste management system and biogas plants have been useful to environmental policies in agriculture sector. The objectives of this study were to analyze the CDM project current situation in agriculture sector and draw a implications from its analysis. As a result of the investigation, strategies and procedures are suggested to link agricultural policies to the CDM projects to create economics opportunities for the korean agriculture. So it will be useful, a strategy to raise the economic feasibility of a rural area’s animal waste management system and biogas plant project should consider to develop domestic technologies of biogas digester. Also, local government, local college, rural communities should agree to closely work together to resolve the national’s greenhouse gas reduction issue.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]