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지정폐기물 규제항목 확대방안과 사회적 비용분석
Analysis of the Social Costs and Draft for Expansion of Regulation Items in Specified Waste
전태완 ( Tae Wan Jeon ) , 정미정 ( Mi Jeong Jeong ) , 이지영 ( Ji Young Lee ) , 강영렬 ( Young Yeul Kang ) , 박종은 ( Jong Eun Park ) , 홍수연 ( Soo Hyun Hong ) , 정성경 ( Seong Kyeong Jeong ) , 신선경 ( Sun Kyoung Shin )
DOI 10.9786/kswm.2014.31.6.598
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2016-530-000702458

For management of hazardous waste, the Ministry of Environment regulates fewer items and has fewer test methods for toxic chemicals than developed countries. Regulated items should be expanded in order to strengthen the management of hazardous waste and comply with international trends. For conducting to quantify the cost and value of the expansion, we estimated the amount of toxic waste and evaluated applicability and economic effects of the expansion of regulated items to the industry. Through a survey of domestic and foreign studies, we reviewed the substances (e.g. F and Ni) that are regulated as hazardous chemicals and planed a road-map for gradual expansion of regulated items. The analysis of treatment cost had been focused on the result of leachate and total content analysis of regulated 7 inorganic materials (Hg, Pb, Cd, As, Cu, Cr+6, and CN) and unregulated 8 inorganic metals (F, Ni, Zn, Se, Sb, Ba, Be, V), and also total content analysis of unregulated 4 organic materials (PAHs, PCDD/DFs, HCB, and PCBs) in Korea. With the result of content concentration of unregulated 8 inorganic metals, we could estimate that they were discharged about 4.644 million ton/year from industries in Korea. Also, The amount of waste from oil refining, steel, and casting factory was more than 50% of total generated waste in Korea.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]