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과일껍질의 Bio-SRF로의 활용을 위한 열적기초특성분석 연구
Analytical Studies on Thermal Basic Characteristics of Fruit Husk for Utilizing as Bio-Solid Refuse Fuels
유흥민 ( Heung Min Yoo ) , 김기헌 ( Ki Heon Kim ) , 서용칠 ( Yong Chil Seo ) , 박세원 ( Se Won Park )
DOI 10.9786/kswm.2014.31.5.535
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2016-530-000702372

Since the volume based tipping system was adopted for municipal solid wastes in Korea, the system has been well implied with the positive participation of households. Therefor local governments have started to apply the system to food wastes as well in recent years and each household has put an effort to reduce the generation of food wastes consequently. Another big movement on the management of municipal solid waste has been made, which was intending to utilize wastes to energy resources by converting to solid refuse fuel (SRF). In the meantime the conversion of biomass to energy became an issue to argument national renewable energy. Such motivation made an attempt to utilize fruit husks as SRFs since they has been used to dispose of as food wastes with the payment of tipping fee by households. Thus, in this study, five fruits (mandarine, apple, pear, sweet persimmon and grape) of 6 main consuming fruits in Korea were chosen as tested materials to check out any potentials of biomass SRFs. The basic characteristics of 5 fruit husks after drying naturally were analyzed. Heating values, proximate analysis results were reported and thermo-gravimetric tests were made for suggesting them to combustible wastes or bio-SRFs. The higher heating values of all fruit husks with natural drying showed above 3,000 kcal/kg which is the criterium of SRF and the lower heating values were less than SRF standard due to higher content of moisture. Proximate analysis and thermo-gravimetric data were similar to other biomass fuels like wood and municipal solid waste. It is concluded that such fruit husks could be used as SRFs by adopting an effective drying method in advance.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]