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폐기물의 공업분석방법 제정에 관한 연구
A Study for Establishment of Proximate Analysis in Korea Waste
이상우 ( Sang Woo Lee ) , 김기헌 ( Ki Heon Kim ) , 황동건 ( Dong Gun Hwang ) , 손준익 ( Jun Ik Son ) , 유흥민 ( Heung Min Yoo )
DOI 10.9786/kswm.2014.31.4.413
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2016-530-000702236

In this study proximate analysis method was applied to food waste, mold, sewage sludge, PKS, PET in considering the characteristics of individual waste. It has been observed that this proximate analysis method based on the characteristics of individual waste required to dry the waste for more than 6 hr, until the moisture contents reached the range of 105oC ~ 110oC and they reached the constant weight. Also it has been suggested that 7 min of ignition at 950oC for volatile matters and 2 ~ 3 hr of ignition at max. 815oC for ash were recommended.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]