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『미스 고독』에 나타난 대중매체와 구원의 비전
Mass Media and Vision on Salvation in Miss Lonelyhearts
박진숙 ( Jin Sook Park )
DOI 10.17754/MESK.60.1.43
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2016-840-000705245

The main aim of this paper is to study the meanings and impacts of mass media and vision on salvation in Nathanael West``s Miss Lonelyhearts. The newspaper was one of the most representative forms of media in early American mass culture, as it provided the masses with useful information and shared various opinions. I examined the process of communication and the relationship between mass media, which is represented by the newspaper, and the masses. In the process, we realize it is the newspaper``s editor, Shrike, who symbolizes the mechanism of mass media or the culture industry, that exerts an influence on the correspondents or the masses, rather than the advice columnist, Miss Lonelyhearts. I also discussed Miss Lonelyhearts’s various responses or interpretations on suffering in reality, such as jokes, violence, sadistic compulsions and perverse sexuality, and how Miss Lonelyhearts’ Christ complex is a parody on religion. In the last scene, the absurd death of Miss Lonelyhearts paradoxically implies the ironic reality, or an illusion of his religious salvation for people who are suffering. (Namseoul University)

Ⅰ. 서 론
Ⅱ. 대중매체를 통한 소통
Ⅲ. 고통에 대한 해석과 구원의 비전
IV. 결 론
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]