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이상근의 가곡 〈 바람이 분다 〉에서 시어 "바람"을 표현하는 매개변수: 화성과 리듬
Harmony and Rhythm: Parameters Used for Expressing the Poetic Word "Wind"in Sang-geun Lee`s Song "Wind Blows"
이내선 ( Nae-sun Lee )
이상근 연구 vol. 1 109-132(24pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2016-670-000712662

Sang-geun Lee is one of the composers who successfully portrayed intonations of poem musically and realized emotional expression of poetic words in his melody of art songs. He elevated Korean art song as a genre both literary and artistic at the same time by colligating “poem” and “music”. In this research, the method by which composer combines poem and music is discussed at first and then “how” this combination develops is approached through analytical method of music theory. The author selected the eighth song “Wind blows” from his song cycle Aga II in order to discuss these points. This study examines the relationship between the poem and music with respect to musical parameters, namely harmony and rhythm. While a poem conveys a topic, music also carries a theme that integrates the whole. It is interesting to observe how the composer uses musical idea as a device that derives coherence and continuity of the song. Especially, the way he carries his musical plan in accordance with expression of poem, in other word, how he uses certain seventh chords in certain ways, the relation between these seventh chords as well as how these relations united with rhythmic factors and generate ‘blowing wind’ figure. Along with these, the discussion on ‘how this thematic figure is used in contrasting part continually’ leads to the conclusionthat deals with the composer’s compositional techniques and musical lan-guage. Likewise, that elapse of time relates to the ‘common element’ seems to have particular importance in both harmonic and rhythmic aspects in Sang-geun Lee’s composition. First, in harmonic aspect, the method in which the 7th chords connect to one another through common interval perfect 5th as well as two 7th chords sharing three common tones cross boundary of 9th chord are present throughout the song. The same holds true in rhythmic aspect as well- Temporal regularity is expressed with emphasis. The use of parameters related to time, like rhythmic patterns, bar unit rhythm, and beats may be to express the poetic word ‘wind’ and its change in musical means. Also, the musical idea that satisfies the poetic expression achieves uniformity throughout the whole song through contrast and repetition.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]