In this study, I discuss about the definition and the category of Huanglao philosophy, and the meaning and the role of Huanglao philosophy on the history of ideas, also raising the HuangLao world view, a saint politics theory, and a politics method theory. That is, first, The view of Xinyu succeeds to the Daoism of primitive Daoist as other Huang-Lao literatures. Second, the ideal ruler image in Xinyu is a main being who is compromising a nature with a society and solving a political matter. Third, Xinyu accepts Laozi``s Dao-theory not mechanically but social politically and they use Laozi``s Dao-theory as the principle and method of rule. In other words, the common character of Huanglao theses is to accept Dao-theory of Daoism and to base the world view of political idea on argument. But if only considering on that side, we don``t understand the value of the peculiar ideas in Huanglao theses. In the Huanglao thesis, Xinyu, it accepts the Dao-theory, but the peculiar and ideological aim has the character of realizing confucian politics in of Daoism-Confucianism. And in the social politics, it is on the same course of confucian. In short, Xinyu, the theory of Daoism-Confucianism has served the chance to revive confucianism at the Han period. It ultimately hands down Xian-Qin period various ideas to the next generation, that is, it raises the meaning and the role of Huanglao philosophy on the history of ideas.