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철학부(哲學部) : 『신어(新語)』의 도유론(道儒論) 연구(硏究)
Philosophy : A Study of the theory of Daoism-Confucianism on the Xinyu
김예호 ( Yea Ho Kim )
중국학보 vol. 75 575-593(19pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2016-910-000712374

In this study, I discuss about the definition and the category of Huanglao philosophy, and the meaning and the role of Huanglao philosophy on the history of ideas, also raising the HuangLao world view, a saint politics theory, and a politics method theory. That is, first, The view of Xinyu succeeds to the Daoism of primitive Daoist as other Huang-Lao literatures. Second, the ideal ruler image in Xinyu is a main being who is compromising a nature with a society and solving a political matter. Third, Xinyu accepts Laozi``s Dao-theory not mechanically but social politically and they use Laozi``s Dao-theory as the principle and method of rule. In other words, the common character of Huanglao theses is to accept Dao-theory of Daoism and to base the world view of political idea on argument. But if only considering on that side, we don``t understand the value of the peculiar ideas in Huanglao theses. In the Huanglao thesis, Xinyu, it accepts the Dao-theory, but the peculiar and ideological aim has the character of realizing confucian politics in of Daoism-Confucianism. And in the social politics, it is on the same course of confucian. In short, Xinyu, the theory of Daoism-Confucianism has served the chance to revive confucianism at the Han period. It ultimately hands down Xian-Qin period various ideas to the next generation, that is, it raises the meaning and the role of Huanglao philosophy on the history of ideas.

Ⅰ. 序論
Ⅱ. 仁義의 체현을 지향한 道儒論
Ⅲ. 聖人에 의거한 儒家的 人治主義
Ⅳ. 道術과 無爲의 儒家的 運用
Ⅴ. 結論
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]