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뉴 시니어 여성의 디자인 선호도를 반영한 스카프 디자인
Scarf designs reflecting the design preferences of new senior women
김은혜 ( Eun Hye Kim ) , 권영숙 ( Young Suk Kwon )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2016-590-000710587

In this study, nine scarf designs expected to be effective for accent design for the fashion style of new senior women were suggested by reflecting purchase behavior and scarf preference after conducting surveys and an analysis by targeting 136 new senior women in order to propose scarf design-matching with the preferences of new seniors. As a result of the study on the scarf purchase features of new seniors, it was revealed that the purchase time for scarves was mainly autumn and winter, even though it is regardless of season, and in spring and summer, they seldom purchased scarves. The purchase frequency was four times a year, and what they first thought of at the time of purchase was represented in the order of color, design, and the material of the scarf. They most preferred department stores, mixed and achromatic colors, cotton and silk fabrics, natural and geometric patterns, and long scarves of a rectangular shape. In the case of the consumer attributes of scarves, it was revealed that 50th desired more individuality-oriented, unique scarf designs than 60th, and 60th desired scarf designs with convenient management considering others’ attention compared with 50th. As concepts for scarf designs, the aspects of individuality, co-existence, and maturity were extracted by reflecting the features of new senior women, and a total of nine scarf designs were suggested by developing three sub-designs for each concept.

I. Introduction
II. Background
III. Methods
IV. Result and Discussion
V. Conclusion and Suggestion
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]