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현대 패션에 나타난 디지털 테크놀로지의 감성적 구현에 관한 연구
A study on the emotional representation of the digital technology shown in the contemporary fashion
한상경 ( Sanggyung Han ) , 김영선 ( Yonson Kim )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2016-590-000710294

The digital technology that has brought about the information revolution acts as the causes of multi-faceted socio-cultural phenomena. The spread of the digital environment and the popularity of the digital devices accelerate the phenomenon or the fusion of culture and technology, and such a phenomenon is no exception in the fashion design. Namely, the combination of fashion design and digital-based technology draws more and more attention; Not only the technology is simply applied to the fashion design, but also it is used as an emotional tool to enhance consumers`` satisfaction, while some designs and marketing cases stimulating consumers`` emotion are highlighted importantly. This study was aimed at surveying and analyzing the contemporary fashion using the digital technology and thereupon, assessing the characteristics of the emotional representations of technology as well as their aesthetic values. To this end, the theory of ‘science of emotion and sensibility’ was applied to divide the characteristics of emotional technological expressions in the contemporary fashion into immateriality, non-boundary, multi-media and interaction, while the aesthetic values of the emotional technology immanent in the contemporary fashion were categorized into communication & participation, conceptual configuration, physical expansion and variable movement. This study analyzed uses of technology for human emotion and sensibility shown in not only collections but also communication media and exhibition spaces and thereby, suggested the direction for our fashion industry to fulfill consumers`` changing needs and advance further.

I. Introduction
II. Research Method
III. Emotion and Science of Emotion and Sensibility
IV. Emotional Technology Expression Pattern in the Contemporary Fashion
V. Aesthetic Characteristics of Emotional Technology in the Contemporary Fashion
VI. Conclusion
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]