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제주와 하이난의 인문유대를 위한 제언 - 무형문화유산 교류를 중심으로 -
The Suggestions for a Humanities ties between Jeju and Hainan - Focusing on the Exchanges of Intangible Cultural Heritages -
박성혜 ( Sung Hye Park )
人文科學硏究 34권 235-261(27pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2016-000-000708559

In this study, some suggestions were made about how Jeju and Hainam, both of which were selected as Korean-Chinese Theme Cities for Humanities ties in 2015, could use their traditional intangible cultural heritages to strengthen the humanistic bond between them. Since the establishment of sisterhood relationship in 1995, both islands have emphasized common images―geographically long distance from the mainland, historically tragic exile, women’s leadership in the cultural respect, and tourism in recent times―for twenty years. However, each of them has unique cultural identity, which seems to be rooted fundamentally in its traditional culture. This study suggested three ways of using intangible cultural heritages to strengthen a humanities ties: first, show differences in the midst of sameness to make each of them more charming; second, find out good points to utilize positively in mutual policies; and third, select feasible experiences to get nearer to people. Showing ‘differences’ means selecting cultural essence carefully and showing what differs, not just showing exotic scenery and customs. One of the specific methods is to maximize the advantages of each part and perform mutual benchmarking; in particular, the greatest advantage of Jeju can be that it is well equipped with museums and has long accumulated experiences of festivals related to intangible cultural inheritance. Next, focusing on realistic experiences cannot be neglected because ‘experiencing’ is the activity most preferred by viewers and the key point is to reach an agreement that arouses viewers’ interest while maintaining the artistic level. As Jeju is very willing to become the center of East Asian exchanges, it is suggested that the island should focus on the essence of humanities through the work of complementing intangible cultural inheritance and perform exchanges from a wider perspective, instead of focusing only on the relationships with Hainan or on the inter-island bond. Although Jeju is in an economically special situation with tourist revenue forming 80% of its economy, the island needs to spend more time in working hard in search of different boastful values than those of the ‘mainland’, instead of being bent on utilizing intangible cultural inheritance from a narrow perspective to get immediate revenue. Both regions are expected to overcome the limitation of ‘islands’ and become the cultural center of Asia.

1. 머리말
2. 제주와 하이난 무형문화유산의 개요 및 특징
3. 무형문화유산 교류를 위한 제언
4. 맺음말
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]