Needs analtsis is a systematic process for ascertaining performance goals, identi-fying discrepancies between performance goals and the status quo, establishing priorities for action, and selecting interventions to improve performance in organi-zations. The purposes of this article are to clarify the basic terminology of needs analtsis, to propose a framework for conducting needs analyses, and to discuss trends and issues in needs analysis as they apply to improving performance in or-ganizations. The authors explore basic terminology such as need, needs assess-ment, needs analysis, training requirements analysis, and needs analysis plan. Needs analysis is effective if it successfully addresses an organizational need that results in improved organizational performance. In order to carry out effective needs analysis the authors propose a framework for conducting needs analysis in organizations that includes: Perception analysis, performance analysis, and feasi-bility analysis. By expanding the perspectives for conducting needs analysis and using a more comprehensive approach, the analyst. will be more effective in solv-ing performance problems and realizing business opportunities in the organizations they serve.