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“비주얼 월드”를 활용한 독일어 발화문 이해 연구
Comprehension of German utterances observed with visual-world paradigm
유덕근 ( Duck Geun Yoo )
언어와 언어학 vol. 70 331-364(34pages)
DOI 10.20865/20167014
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2016-700-000771426

The paper examines the possibility of incremental processing, a prerequisite for predictive processing, in L2 on both theoretical and empirical aspects. To begin with, it investigates the major theories on sentence processing to learn what processing principles they highlight. Then, it observes how the L1 processing principles are applied to L2 by carrying out an experiment using the visual-world paradigm. The results show how L2 German speakers process their utterance real time. The way the subjects process utterance and information is analyzed and assessed from a cognitive perspective.

1. 들어가는 말
2. 문장의 점층적 처리
3. 맥락속 발화문의 실시간 처리
4. 나가는 말
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]