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시간의 구획에서 인지적 구획으로: уже, ещё 의 상관관계를 중심으로
From Temporal Divisions to Cognitive Divisions: Focused on the Correlation between уже and ещein Russian
김정일 ( Jung Il Kim )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2016-890-000771263

In this paper I analyzed and compared the Russian Particle уже and ещё, focused on their interaction about which many researches have been made. Unlike traditional academical dictionaries, which have described them as adverbs, recently published functional dictionaries have had a tendency to describe them. They try to figure out variable meanings of contexts rather than define their invariable meanings. Уже represents that new situation have come and new qualitative changes have been made beyond the border rather. So уже may possess greater relevance to the future. On the other hand, in the case of ещё, despite the premise of the advent of a new situation, the border with a new situation has not been reached, and the focus is on the continuation of prior situations. Therefore, уже may possess greater relevance to the past. The usages of ещё are divided into two groups, aspectual and additional. Aspectual presupposes the additional in that new items are added to the similar or even same items in the prior lists. There are two usages, an event mode and a reference point mode in the usages of Particle уже. A event mode presupposes the existence of an event and then asserts the position of occurrence point, while a reference point mode presuppose multiple occurrences of events and asserts heir locations later. There are competitions between the occurrences of events to take their own positions. The temporal distance between the events is easily converted to the cognitive distance, and the concepts of scale interpretation and polarity are actively involved in the interpretation of the context. Finally, while the concept of entrance in the particle уже is activated in that the connection with the advent of the new situation becomes the main issue, while in the case of ещё the concept of exit is activated in that the presupposition that present situation is supposed to end.

1. 들어가며
2. уже와 ещё의 사전기술, 그리고 쟁점들
3. уже와 ещё의 시간과 사건구조
4. 결론
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]