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레오니트 안드레예프(Л.Н. Андреев)의 창작에 나타난 초인 형상 연구: 『생각(Мысль)』을 중심으로
The Study of Superman in Leonid Andreev`s Creative Work: Based on the Material of the Play Thought
박선진 ( Sun Jin Park )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2016-890-000771187

Leonid Andreyev is one of the writers on whom Nietzsche exerted serious impact. Andreyev was hugely inspired with an idea of the superperson. A thin border between the good and evil which was fed by the specific demonic power of human thought and which with little effort can be destroyed was noted by him. The first attempt of Andreyev to embody an image of the superperson in the creativity was made in the story "Story about Sergey Petrovich". In this story the hero wants to become the immortal free person through a suicide. In 1906 Andreyev publishes the story "Savva". The main character of the story Savva believes that dishonourable people got rid of God and replaced it with hundreds of idols. The image of the superperson created by Andreyev gains development in the story "My Notes" (1908). The thought, destructive by the nature, creeps in the head of the main character imprisoned in a solitary confinement. The power peculiar to this thought is an essence of this story. The concept of power of thought is borrowed from the story "Thought" (1902). The image of the superperson was developed further in a number of Andreyev`s works. This image gained more distinct features in the play "Thought" of the same name. The main character of the play Kerzhentsev wants to replace the morals and an order established by God. Thereby the hero seeks to become a superperson by means of his own thought. However this attempt fails as his own thought betrays him. Andreyev`s heroes wish to become a superperson to step over the line between of the good and evil established by God, but all their plans are destroyed. They wanted to destroy God`s order, but as a result they destroy only themselves. In a word, Andreyev`s superperson is not the one who proclaims that God died, but the one who proves with all his being that it is impossible to resist God`s purposeful plan.

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[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]