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KCI 후보
대학선교와 기독교 영성교육 -표층교육을 넘어 심층교육으로
Campus Mission and Christian Spirituality Education -An Educational Paradigm Shift from Exoteric Education to Esoteric Education
김남석 ( Nam Suc Kim )
대학과 선교 21권 83-108(26pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2016-230-000769754

This study attempts to develop the in-depth curriculum of ‘Understanding of Christianity’ which is one of the mandatory courses in universities, founded on a Christian mission ethos so that it can fulfill their own genuine goals. Hence through the discourse analysis methods, I examined the characteristics of current curriculums and contents of ‘Understanding of Christianity’ that has been taught at universities. The findings show that students have negative perception and even antipathy on christianity due to their educational experience of the course. Based on this analysis, I suggested ‘esoteric education’ to overcome this dilemma. The goal of ‘esoteric education’ is to lead students to experience ‘enlightenment’ and the source of power for enlightenment grows from ‘spirituality’(seed given by God). I sincerely yearn that this mandatory course ‘Understanding of Christianity’ to be the ‘steppingstone’ for reshaping new perception in the life of students, not to be ‘obstacle’ for them.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]