John Calvin was a biblical scholar who studied the biblical text and applied its message into his ministry, using the interpretive principle and method of the Renaissance humanists. Criticizing the christological or dogmatic interpretation of the Bible, he, as a Christian Renaissance humanist, tried to find out its literary and historical meaning, as they did so for the classical literature. His interpretive principle of the biblical text is called a theory of accommodation, through which he argues God uses human being``s language and culture to reveal the message of the salvation. It means that the biblical text reflects the context of its written time and has to be interpreted within our situation. However, he did not completely ignore the dogmatic or anagogic meaning of the text which was emphasized in the Middle Ages. He still attempted to find out a message related to Christ in the Old Testament, regarding it as the Christian scripture. In this sense, Calvin``s biblical interpretation could be regarded as functioning a bridge between the pre-critical period and the critical area.