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17-19세기 서양 선교사 문법서들의 시제 체계 연구
ESSAYS : Tense System of Western Missionaries` Grammar Books from 17th to 19th Century
조경환 ( Kyung Hwan Cho )
중국어문논총 vol. 73 31-54(24pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2016-720-000776045

Tense and aspect in Chinese is one of the most important issues in Chinese Linguistics as well as in general linguistics because there have been a variety of opinions concerning it. This article focuses on how western missionaries of modern times deal with tense and aspect in Chinese. Western missionaries brought great achievements in many areas of Chinese Grammar such as part of speech system, Ba-constructions, passive voice etc. There are two different streams in this area. One is that there are five tenses in Chinese which is based on Latin Grammar and Varo′s six tense system. The other is that there are three tenses in Chinese which is based on Martini′s four tense system. Although most of Chinese grammar books in 19th centuries got out of the influence of Latin grammar, but as to tense and aspect in Chinese they were not entirely broken from the framework of Latin grammar. This shows that western missionaries in modern times also had trouble analyzing Chinese tense and aspect system.

1. 서론
2. 17-19세기 서양 선교사 문법서들의 시제 체계 연구
3. 결론
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]