To escape the idolatry and irrelevance of traditional religious(theological) language, and to revitalize it and create a new expression(metaphor/model) appropriate for postmodern world which characteristic of ecological and nuclear crisis, we should recognize the metaphoricity of religious (theological) language of which essence is the tension between "is" and "is not". This tension is an antidote against literalistic absolutism and a room for creative imagnation and theological construction. The first concern of metaphorical theology is not on the conceptual systems of theology, but on the imaginative reconstruction of religious(theological) language through new metaphors and models. In view of eco-feminism, Sallie MacFague attempts to change the anthropocentric, historical perspectives to ecological, cosmological ones, and patriarchal, monarchial perspective to feminist, relational ones. For this, she assumes "the world as God``s body" in place of "the world as the king``s realm", and experiments "God as mother", "God as lover", and "God as friend" instead of "God as king" or "God as father".