How can cultural studies be utilized to enrich biblical studies, and how can biblical interpretation extend the boundary of cultural studies? How can these questions be addressed in the Korean context in theory and in practice? With these questions in mind, this paper examines the two representative figures of each field, Stuart Hall and Mary Tolbert. After establishing the relevance of this project on the basis of inter-disciplinary characteristics of cultural studies, I describe the two scholars` works in each setting. Stuart Hall is illuminated through his strategy of "articulation" among social groups, ideologies, and practices. He builds upon Althusser and Gramsci to found a cultural understanding of social formations and to extend geographical boundary of cultural studies. Hall`s scholarship is compared with Mary Tolbert`s "politics and poetics of location." She combines the strategic merit of essentialism with sensibilities of postmodernism to found a non-essentialistic way of cultural practice and solidarity. From this analysis, she proceeds to her hermeneutics as rhetoric and poetics as ethics. This paper concludes with a proposition for a Korean Christian cultural studies through biblical studies.