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KCI 후보
기독교 녹색 전통을 통해 본 환경윤리 연구 -예수, 프란치스꼬, 슈바이처를 중심으로-
기독교사회윤리 8권 12-24(13pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2016-230-000780919

Love is the center of the gospel and christianity. All creatures, human and other kind, are grounded in God`s love. Modern christian are responsible for the integrity of Creation because the global ecosystem falling into a crisis situation. The purpose of this study compare the ecological thought of Jesus Christ, Assisi of Francis, and A. Schweitzer. First of all, Jesus Christ is the mediator of creation and the ecologist. He actually lived ecological life in Nazareth and preached good news with ecological metaphors. Francis of Assisi(1181?-1226) is frequently treated in the ecological sensitivities as a nearly isolated examples of ecological responsibility in sea of christian exploitation of nature. He is an embodiment of christianity`s ecological promise. Francis`s affinities were cosmo-centric and bio-centric. Albert Schweitzer (1875~1965) broadened the meaning of love to cover moral responsibility to every organism, The ethics of Reverence for Life is the ethics of love widened into university. The ecological life and message of Jesus Christ, Assisi of Francis, and A. Schweitzer are lead to the christian ecological ethics of authentic wellbeing.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]