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Pseudoephedrine 사용 후 발생한 허혈성 대장염의 증례
Medical : Case of Ischemic Colitis Associated with PseudoephedrinePseudoephedrine 사용 후 발생한 허혈성 대장염의 증례
윤수현 ( Su Hyun Yun ) , 서승오 ( Seong-o Suh ) , 박채아 ( Chae A Park ) , 최보윤 ( Bo Yoon Choi ) , 권민구 ( Mingu Kwon ) , 장민호 ( Min Ho Jang ) , 곽진욱 ( Jin Wuk Gwak ) , 정다솔 ( Dasol Jeong ) , 신동환 ( Dong Hwan Shin ) , 권상재 ( Sang Jae Kwon ) , 최다우리 ( Dawoori Choi ) , 이제승 (
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2016-510-000778089

Ischemic colitis is the consequence of a sudden reduction in colon blood supply, which in turn results in ischemic injury. The splenic flexure and rectosigmoid junction are the areas most often affected. Ischemic colitis occurs with greater frequency in the elderly and is caused by various medications and procedures. Pseudoephedrine acts as a vasoconstrictor directly affecting adrenal receptors of nasal mucous membrane. Pseudoephedrine occasionally causes vascular insufficiency due to intense vasoconstriction, even at standard doses. Ischemic colitis associated with pseudoephedrine has been reported in other countries,, but it has never been reported in Korea. In this paper, we describe 3 cases of ischemic colitis that occurred after taking pseudoephedrine for nasal congestion.

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[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]