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혈중 항뮬러관호르몬 저하를 진단받은 난임 환자의 한방치료 후 자연임신 2례와 항뮬러관호르몬의 상승 2례
A Case Report on Two Spontaneous Pregnancies and Two Elevated Anti-Muullerian Hormone (AMH) of Subfertile Patients with Low AMH Level after Korean Medical Treatments
최용주 ( Yong Ju Choi ) , 정소영 ( So Young Jung )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2016-510-000784625

Objectives: AMH is considered a sensitive marker of ovarian reserve, and it tends to be included among basic fertility tests. This paper is to report two spontaneous pregnancies and two elevated AMH which were achieved by subfertile women with low AMH level after Korean medical treatments. Methods: The patients in these cases were 36~41 years old. Four subfertile patients with low AMH level (0.01 to 1.88 ng/mL) were treated with herbal medication, acupuncture, moxibustion between June 2013 and December 2015. The patients were diagnosed as Kidney deficiency (腎虛), Blood extravasation (瘀血) and/or Liver Qi stagnation (肝氣鬱結). Results: The two subfertile women with low AMH level achieved spontaneous pregnancy and two subfertile women with low AMH were elevated AMH after Korean medical treatments. Conclusions: The case report suggests that Korean medical treatment can be an effective option for subfertile women with low AMH level before Assisted Reproductive Technology.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]