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The impact of preliminary elements for management innovation adoption on the firm`s profitability
( Uk Jung ) , ( Chang-hwa Baek ) , ( Shin-won Seo ) , ( Sung-uk Lim )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2016-320-000783393

Purpose: Many CEOs have often introduced various types of management innovation for the firm``s profitability improvement. If the firm is, however, in a situation in which the firm is not ready to adopt those management innovations, it is not possible to achieve the goal of profit enhancement. In this study, we analyze the relationship between the preliminary elements of management innovation and profitability, and want to introduce the key success factors of management innovation. Methodology/Approach: After investigating preliminary elements of the management innovation adoption through existing literature review, we conducted a questionnaire survey to Korean K-company. Then, by utilizing the structural equation modeling with AMOS, we analyzed the impact of preliminary elements of the management innovation adoption on the profitability. Findings: We found out that there are main preliminary elements of the management innovation adoption directed to profitability enhancement From this finding, it would be possible to assist promoting successful management innovation of the company. Research Limitation/implication: This research has a limitation on that the findings are based on the analysis with subjective measures rather than objective ones for profitability. There is a need for further studies using objective measures such as an actual percentage figure for sales growth or profit change. Originality/Value of paper: By searching and enhancing the preliminary elements of management innovation affecting the profitability, it would be possible to reduce the innovation failure in the future business.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]