We investigated the high dispersion spectra of the planetary nebula (PN) NGC 7027 which had been observed with the Bohyunsan Optical Echelle Spectrograph (BOES) on October, 20, 2009. Unlike the other lines that show double Gaussian line profiles, the high excitation lines of [Ar IV], [Ca V] and [Fe VIIJ, display a secondary fast component in the blue-shift side. We derived the expansion velocity of 38.35±3.32 kms-1 responsible for the recently formed sub-shell structure, much faster than those of the main shell, 17.74±1.69 kms-1. The very young PN NGC 7027 might be still in an earlier stage of its shaping as a PN along with the fastly expanding recent ejecta from the central star. We discuss the implication of the swiftly expanding sub-shell structure: the physical condition, and the rough estimation of its age.