Objectives : In this study, we tried to analyze the relationship between effect terms and five tastes in heat-clearing herbs. In order to analyze exactly, we also attempted to extract and refine the effect terms. And finally, we tried to infer the effects of each tastes and suppose new effects of each heat-clearing herbs based on their tastes. Methods : Firstly, we extracted the five tastes and effect terms among the heat-claearing herbs written in Herbology. After that, we divided each effect terms to single meaning term and refined them. We also grouped herbs by tastes and set the effect terms in the order of frequency. So we could analyze the relationship between the tastes and the effect terms and supposed the effect of each herbs. Results & Conclusions : We extracted 7 tastes and 87 effect terms. And they was refined to 63 effect terms. As the result of analyzing the effect terms based the tastes, all of heat-clearing herbs included the effects of heat-clearing and detoxification, regardless of tastes. The herbs which have the bitter tastes, included the effects of drying dampness, fire-purging and blood-cooling. And we supposed new effects in 10 kinds of herbs among them. The herbs which have the sweet tastes, included the effects of blood-cooling and fluid-engendering. The herbs which have the hot tastes, included the effects of inducing diuresis and swelling-dispersing. And we supposed new effects in 2 kinds of herbs, by analyzing the relationship between the tastes and effect terms.