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Developing Design Principles of Emotional Interface for Self-Regulated Learning in an E-Learning Environment
( Cheolil Lim ) , ( Taejung Park ) , ( Wonjoon Hong ) , ( Jungeun Park )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2016-370-000794247

Successful learners must have self-regulating abilities to stay motivated; moreover, they guide their thoughts, emotions, and actions, and adjust their effort in an autonomous but isolated online learning environment (Artino & Jones, 2012; Dabbagh & Kitsantas, 2004; Whipp & Chiarelli, 2004). Despite of the importance of emotions in self-regulated learning (SRL), few of the existing instructional design approaches comprehensively answer the question of how an e-Learning environment should be designed to enhance emotion regulation strategies for SRL and what emotional design elements and emotional affordances are required to be considered in designing and developing e-Learning interface for learners? interaction with learning content and among teachers and learners. Thus, this study intends to develop design principles and specific guidelines of emotional e-Learning interface to facilitate SRL and explore theoretical and practical possibilities in instructional design and technology. This study applied Design and Development Research methodology to develop design principles of emotional e-Learning interface for self-regulated learning in accordance with the procedures of development through literature review and analyzing extant cases, deriving an affordance matrix and validation by expert review. In the stage of development, 9 principles and 21 guidelines were derived from the relevant literature and the extant exemplary cases. For internal validation, six experts were asked to examine these principles and guidelines through questionnaire and in-depth interview. The findings from our study suggest that e-Learning interface should be designed and developed in accordance with emotional design principles of instruction, web, and product to encourage learners to emotionally engage in and learn with emotion regulation strategies for self-regulated learning in an e-Learning environment. More research needs to be conducted to collect feedback for improvements from instructional designers and e-Learning software designers by usability evaluation and explore the impact of each of these principles and guidelines on various learning outcomes of learners for external validation.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]