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전하이동을 시각화한 PhET 기반 수업을 통한 초등과학영재의 전류개념변화
Conceptual Change via Instruction based on PhET Simulation Visualizing Flow of Electric Charge for Science Gifted Students in Elementary School
이지원 ( Jiwon Lee ) , 신은진 ( Eun Jin Shin ) , 김중복 ( Jung Bog Kim )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2016-370-000802351

Even after learning electric current, elementary school students have various non-scientific conceptions and difficulties. Because flow of charge is not visible. Also elementary school students do not learn theory but phenomena, so they cannot transfer theoretical perspective to new situation. In this research, we have designed instruction based on PhET simulation visualizing flow of electric charge and applied it to 37 science-gifted students in elementary school for measuring conceptual understanding. As a result, six out of the seven Hake gains of question set are high gain and just one is middle gain because the students have understood the flow pattern of the charge through circuit elements such as light bulbs, wire, as well as battery with PhET simulation and it gives a chance to create various questions spontaneously about electric current. Also they become able to do spontaneous mental simulation without PhET simulation about flow of charges. This research, suggest that developed materials using PhET simulation could be used as not only program for gifted students in elementary school, but also the electrical circuit section in an elementary science curriculum.

I. 서 론
II. 연구방법
III. 연구결과
IV. 결 론
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]