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KCI 등재
손날의 의미/기능 연구 -토론 참여자의 손짓언어를 중심으로-
The Meanings and Functions of Hand Blade Gesture in Korean: Analysis of Discussion Participants` Hand Gestures
임혜원 ( Hyewon Lim )
언어와 언어학 69권 107-128(22pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2016-700-000208419

In this study, the discussion participants’ hand gestures have been analyzed with special focus on the ones using hand blades, based on the hypothesis that the conceptual structures are manifested in subconscious body language concurrently accompanied by the speech. Hand blades appeared to be recognized as if they were knives. The vertical appearance of the palm standing straight resembles that of a knife. The participants made gestures as if they were cutting up some objects by moving their hands up and down when they used verbal expressions meaning ‘division, restriction, or negation’. The uprightly positioned palm accompanied by the verbal messages containing ‘fundamentals, principles, regulations’ are estimated that they imitated the straight baton. These unconscious hand gestures could have been derived from the metaphoric conceptualization of the hands as knives or bars. We may better understand the abstract concepts such as ‘division, limitation, negation’ through physical action of cutting up and ‘fundamentals, principles, regulations’ through uprightly positioned bar, the cognitive processes of which are reflected on our body language as well as the verbal expressions.

1. 연구개요
2. 앞선 연구
3. 손날의 의미/기능
4. 맺음말
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]