Objectives : Through the study on Byeokyeoksinbang(피疫神方), it would be expected to analyze Dokyeok(毒疫)`s characteristic and to comprehend how the changes in viewpoints of epidemic febrile disease were made. Methods : It has been done to analyze the original text of Byeokyeoksinbang(피疫神方), and to compare the theory of Onbyeongjobyeon(溫病條辨) associated with the signature symptom of Dokyeok(毒疫). Results : Heo Jun(許浚) experienced a specific epidemic disease called ``Dokyeok(毒疫)``, on which he made observations and analyzed its features and wrote Byeokyeoksinbang(피疫神方). In Byeokyeoksinbang(피疫神方), ``Dokyeok(毒疫)`` is characterized by rash[疹], its pathogenesis is warm temperature, thus its treatment principle is removing interior and exterior heat. The book`s pragmatic perspective is highly appreciated, as HeoJun improved and solidified existing medical knowledge up to date. In addition, Byeokyeoksinbang(피疫神方) is significant in that it differentiated between macula[瘢疹] and rash[疹], much earlier than the febrile disease school of the Qing dynasty. Conclusions : Between Byeokyeoksinbang(피疫神方) and Onbyeongjobyeon(溫病條辨), there are differences in treatments and patterns of rash[疹]. Based on this, it will be able to compare each disease that is written in two books. And a study on comparing the development between epidemic febrile disease[瘟疫學] of the Joseon dynasty and febrile disease[溫病學] of the Qing dynasty will be carried out with a follow-up study.