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현대영미소설 : 안젤라 카터의 『피로 물든 방』에 형상화된 인간과 동물의 이분법 넘어서기
Going beyond the Dichotomy between Man and Animal in Angela Carter`s The Bloody Chamber
강규한 ( Gyu Han Kang )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2015-800-001999667

The adventure of the young protagonist in "The Bloody Chamber" dramatizes the growth of female subjectivity and thus epitomizes the attempt to transcend the dichotomy between Man and Woman in The Bloody Chamber. The stories of animals or of interactivity between humans and animals in The Bloody Chamber demonstrate, however, that what the work tries to go beyond is not only the dichotomy between Man and Woman but also between Man and Animal. Whereas the homocentric dichotomy between Man and Animal has strongly influenced human perspectives toward animals since fairy tales began to capture the human imagination, Carter``s rewriting of various fairy tales raises the possibility of reconstructing the long-preserved dichotomy between Man and Animal. It is suggested that the two opposites in the dichotomy can be reversed into Animal and Man instead of Man and Animal as in "The Courtship of Mr. Lyon" and "Puss in Boots," and can overlap with each other as in "The Werewolf`` and "Wolf Alice." Furthermore, as in "The Tiger``s Bride" and "The Company of Wolves," the two opposites of Animal and Man can be unified into one through humans`` becoming animals instead of animals`` becoming humans, which has long been recorded in fairy tales. The new horizon opened up by The Bloody Chamber conveys a significant revision of the relationship between Man and Animal.

1. 서언: 카터의 동화 다시 쓰기와 「피로 물든 방」
2. 인간과 동물의 이분법: 데리다의 고양이와 리어폴드의 늑대
3. 인간과 동물의 역전: 「리옹씨의 구애」와 「장화 신은 고양이」
4. 인간과 동물의 중첩: 「늑대인간」와 「늑대 앨리스」
5. 동물 되기: 「호랑이 신부」와 「늑대 친구들」
인용 문헌
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]