This study has set up a plan to establish a trail as a means of maximizing a community by using the residents`` living materials and unused facilities that a village holds now. A local archive is a place where the records and living materials collected from a village are preserved, displayed and shared with others, serving as a complex space with multiple functions. To apply the idea of ``utilizing a local archive``, the empirical study was conducted by making an analysis of trail resources of Baekryeong Island and local archive application resources. Local archive resources were selected through evaluation of connection of trail routes by investigating and discovering the unused facilities of Baekryeong Island village and the depreciation level and scale of them. And actual local archive living references were investigated and collected through in-depth interviews of villagers. Also, through planning of trails by region, limitations of investigation activities were improved and various tangible and intangible resources owned by Baekryeong Island were utilized to enable effective and distinctive investigation activities and experiences. Unused facilities were surveyed and chosen to take advantage of the local archive space, along with in depth interviews with the residents living in Baekryeong Island. In addition, the current conditions for the trail routes were checked out in order to ``point out the final routes``.