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국방 아웃소싱과 제대군인 사회안전망 구축방안
National Defense Outsourcing and Plan for Building Social Safety Nets for Discharged Soldiers
이광렬 ( Kwang Lyul Lee ) , 김찬선 ( Chan Sun Kim )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2015-300-002011669

Purpose: This study is aimed for provision of plan for building safety nets for discharged soldiers appearing as a result of national defense outsourcing. Currently, Republic of Korea runs national defense outsourcing in order to make cuts on defense budgets and maximize efficiency of military affairs. However, the safety nets making the most of discharged soldiers and system relative to re-socialization of jobs are yet to be prepared. Therefore, this study, based on precedented studies of Military, Sociology, Guard and Escort, and Civil Military Corporation, conducted an extensive literature study. Excavation of military related industries such as civil military corporations and guard and industry and support of engagement in duties requiring professional technology such as house management affairs thereafter will lead to the provision of social safety nets for discharged soldiers. Conclusions are as follows. Firstly, systematic supporting education for powering discharged soldiers through national defense outsourcing is a necessity. Secondly, social safety nets for discharged soldiers ought to be implemented lawfully and institutionally. Thirdly, persistent endeavor of Ministry of National Defense for reciprocally cooperating relationship between discharged soldiers and civil corporations through the achievement of systematic education support for discharged soldiers is necessary.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]