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A case of multiple miliary osteoma cutis on the face
( Seokhyun Han ) , ( Hana Jung ) , ( Junyoung Seong ) , ( Sookhyun Kong ) , ( Yusung Choi ) , ( Hoseok Suh )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2015-500-002006995
This article is 4 pages or less.

Cutaneous ossification is a rare and benign dermatosis caused by the formation of bone tissue in the dermis. It is classified as primary osteoma cutis when bone tissue develops in the skin without any pre-existing lesion and secondary osteoma cutis, which is more frequent and occurs when osseous tissue develops on a pre-existing lesion. Multiple miliary osteoma of the face(MMOF) is a form of primary osteoma cutis that generally occurs in middle-aged and older women. It is characterized by the gradual development of multiple hard papules, up to 3mm in diameter, predominantly affecting facial skin. Histopathologically, structure of true bone containing osteocytes and osteoblasts can be seen. To date, no curative treatment for MMOF has been discovered. But, surgical ablation of the individual lesions remains the therapy of choice. A 51-year-old woman presented with 1-year history of asymptomatic localized multiple skin-colored papules ranging from 1 to 4mm on the both cheeks. Histopathologic findings revealed nodular mature bone tissue in the dermis and osteoblasts were seen along the medullary spaces of the bone lesion. The patient diagnosed with MMOF and observed without any treatment. Herein we report a case of multiple miliary osteoma cutis on the face.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]