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Eruptive syringoma: an unusual presentation with androgenetic alopecia
( Ga Hee Jung ) , ( Bum Joon Ko ) , ( Sul Hee Lee ) , ( Kyu Uang Whang ) , ( Young Lip Park ) , ( Sung Yul Lee )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2015-500-002016771
This article is 4 pages or less.

Syringomas are common benign, eccrine, sweat gland tumors. Skin lesion present with numerous, small, firm, smooth, flesh-colored or yellowish papules on the face, especially the lower eyelids of adult females. Other sites, such as the scalp, axillae, abdomen, forehead, penis, and vulva can be affected. Eruptive syringomas, first described by Jacquet and Darier in 1987, present as a sudden onset of successive crops of numerous disseminated syringomas on the upper trunk, especially the anterior neck, chest, trunk, axilla, upper medial arms, and periumbilical region of adolescent females. And according to literature, the localized form can present with scalp alopecia. We present the case of 25 year old man with multiple, eruptive, asymptomatic syringomas on his anterior chest, trunk, axilla, and face that had persistent for about 10 years. Skin lesion present with numerous tiny hyperpigmented papules. And he have an androgenetic alopecia last few years. This case is unusual in that the patient``s sex and relative disease are not considered typical for eruptive syringomas.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]