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A case of stucco keratosis
( Ji Yoon Choo ) , ( Han Mi Jung ) , ( Ji Hyun Lee ) , ( Tae Yoon Kim )
프로그램북 67권 1호 349-349(1pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2015-500-002013861
이 자료는 4페이지 이하의 자료입니다.

Stucco keratosis (STK) clinically presents as typical whiteor white-grey warty papules having a diameter of only a few millimeters. STK preferentially occurs in older patients on the extensor surfaces of the forearm and lower legs and dorsal aspects of the hands and feet. The distribution of the lesion suggests a possible involvement of lifetime ultraviolet (UV) exposure. They usually appear in large numbers, often more than 100. The lesion could be removed by curettage or gentle scraping. STK generally shows up at age 40 years and older, with the higher prevalence in males up to four times. STK is not inherited genetically in contrast with acrokeratosis verruciformis of Hopf, which is similar to STK clinically and pathologically. A 68 years-old man presented asymptomatic, multiple, whitish, small, verrucous scaly papules on the extremities for several months. The lesions were small in size (from 2mm to 5mm), and increased in number gradually. He had a past medical history of Leriche’s syndrome and prostate cancer with no familial history of any skin diseases. Skin biopsy was done on his rt. dorsum of hand. The histopathologic findings showed diffuse hyperkeratosis, papillomatosis and peaked church-spire acanthosis in epidermis, and sparse perivascular lymphohistocytic infiltration in upper dermis. The clinical and pathological findings were consistent with STK. We report a case of Stucco keratosis as a rare case.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]