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미래 한국의 화학테러리즘 위협 및 양상 분석: 테러리즘 주체세력과 독성물질 선호도를 중심으로
The Analysis of Threat and Aspect of Chemical Terrorist Act to Korea in the Future: in Focus to Find out Who Commit Chemical Terrorism and What do They use in That Terrorism
류동관 , 이필중
국방정책연구 107권 9-48(40pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2015-300-002018193

There are the main group to commit the chemical terrorist act to Korea in the future, and they are Domestic Terrorist, International Terrorist group, and North Korea. It is anticipated that they will use 10 chemicals in committing the terrorist act, but some Chemicals are restricted in using at Terrorism because that materials have some unfit characterism for Terrorism. And some group don`t have the sufficient ability to produce or obtain some materials. As the final outcome, Domestic group will use the Phosgene(COCl2), North Kroea Sarin(GB), and International Terrorist group Phosgene or Sarin selectively. If they commit the chemical terrorist act to Korea in the future, they would spray that chemicals on public spaces to destruct many people in extremely busiest time by using Improvised Explosive Devices(IED) filled with that chemicals.

Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 선행연구에 제시된 화학물질 및 선정조건 분석
Ⅲ. 화학테러리즘 주체세력과 화학물질 선택의 선호도 선정
Ⅳ. 미래 발생 가능한 화학테러리즘의 유형 및 양상
Ⅴ. 결론
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]