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KCI 등재
여래선(如來禪)과 조사선(祖師禪)의 수증관(修證觀)
The comparison of Sujeunggwan(the view of cultivation and realization of enlightenment) of Yeoraeseon(Tathagata meditation) and Josaseon(Patriarchal meditation)
이창안 ( Chang An Lee )
동서철학연구 75권 209-230(22pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2015-100-002023685

본고에서는 선종에 있어서 여래선(如來禪)과 조사선(祖師禪)의 개념에 대하여 고찰하였다. 조사선의 개념이 성립하기 이전에 사종선(四種禪), 오종선(五種禪) 등의 분류가 나타났으며, 이러한 분류는 대·소승의 교의에 따른 것으로부터 점차 발전하는 선사상에 의해 출현하고 있다. 여래선과 조사선의 분별은 송대 이후에 출현한 것으로, 당시에 유행하던 모든 선사상을 대상으로 각각 그 사상적 차별과 우열을 논한 것이다. 조사선의 개념은 여래선과 상대적으로 ‘돈오(頓悟)’와 ‘당하즉시(當下卽是)’를 중시하고 있다. 그러나 그 사상적 내용은 바로 도신(道信)-홍인(弘忍)의 동산법문(東山法門)과 그를 적전한 신수(神秀)의 북종을 여래선으로 설정하고, 선종의 종전(宗典)으로 받들어지는 『육조단경(六祖壇經)』과 그 이후의 선사상을 조사선으로 삼고 있다. 본고에서는 여래선과 조사선의 개념에 대하여 논술하고, 여래선으로서 도신(道信)-홍인(弘忍)의 동산법문(東山法門), 북종(北宗)을, 조사선으로서는 『단경』과 혜능 이후의 선사들의 ‘수증관(修證觀)’을 고찰하여 그들을 비교하였다. 동산법문과 북종의 선사상은 ‘도출수증(道出修證)’이 명확한 여래선이라고 할 수 있다. 그러나 『단경』에 이르면, 선사상이 크게 변하고 있음을 알 수 있는데, 무엇보다도 ‘돈오(頓悟)’를 중심으로 ‘정혜등학(定慧等學)’을 제창하고, 나아가 ‘무념(無念)「무상(無相)」무주(無住)’의 ‘삼무(三無)’를 제창하고 있다. 이러한 ‘돈오’의 입장에서는 전통적인 ‘수증’으로부터 ‘무수무증(無修無證)’으로 전환되어진다고 하겠다.

This article is to consider the conception of Josaseon( Patriarchal meditation) and Yeoraeseon(Tathagata meditation) in Seonjong(Seon Buddhism). There were various types of Seon meditations such as Sajongseon(The four kinds of meditation), Ojongseon(The five kinds of meditation), and so on, before appearing the concept of Josaseon(Patriarchal meditation), which has developed as the thought of Seon has advanced, originated from the doctrine of Mahayana(the Great Vehicle) and Hinayana(the Smaller Vehicle). The division of Josaseon(Patriarchal meditation) and Yeoraeseon(Tathagata meditation) emerged from Song Dynasty, which was to discuss each ideological difference and, merits and demerits of all thoughts of Seon popular at the time. The concept of Josaseon(Patriarchal meditation) puts emphasis on ``Dono(Sudden enlightenment)`` and ``Danghajeuksi(On the spot is the true)``. However, the thought of it identifies Dongsan-Beopmun(East mountain Dharma gate) of Daoxin―Hongren, and Bukjong(Northern school) of Shenxiu who formally succeeded to them as Yeoraeseon(Tathagata meditation), and Yukjodangyoung(the Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch) of the main text of Seon Buddhism, as Josaseon(Patriarchal meditation). Therefore, the concepts of Josaseon(Patriarchal meditation) and Yeoraeseon(Tathagata meditation) are discussed and Dongsan-Beopmun(East mountain Dharma gate), Bukjong(Northern school) and ``Sujeunggwan(the view of cultivation and realization of enlightenment)`` in Yukjodangyeong(the Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch) are considered and compared in this article. Dosin who launched Dongsan-Beopmun, adopted ``Jebulsim(all Buddha mind)`` and ``Ilhaeng -Sammae(Samadhi of specific action)`` as Beopyo(the essential of teaching) and arranged Yeombul(Chanting Buddha) and Jwaseon(Sitting meditation) for the concrete way to attain Ilhaeng-Sammae(Samadhi of specific action). This process is ``Suhangron(the theory of the discipline)`` suggested by Daoxin. Also, as to Jeunggwa(The fruit of realization), the aim is to succeed to gain entry into Ilhaeng-Ssammae(Samadhi of specific action). Shenxiu of Bukjong(Northern school) suggests ``Daeseung-Obangpyeonmun(The gate of Mahayana five expedient menas) Shenxiu`s theory of the discipline is ``Gansimganjeong(Observing the mind observing the purity) and Jeunggwa(The fruit of realization) through this discipline is to gain entry into ``Yeoraejang-Cheongjeongsim(The embryo of Tathagata pure mind)``. Reaching Yukjodangyeong(the Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch), we see the thought of Seon has changed greatly, and especially the understanding of Bulseong(Buddha nature) has altered. This stance of ``Dono(Sudden enlightenment)`` brings about change in the conventional ``the view of Sujeung(Cultivation and realization of enlightenment) ``so to speak, the proposal of ``the three Nos``, that is, ``No thought·No form·No abiding``. Accordingly, ``the three Nos`` of ``No thought·No form·No abiding`` is proposed as Suhaeng(The discipline) and Sujeung(The cultivation and realization of enlightenment). This ``Sujeung(the cultivation and realization of enlightenment)`` of ``the three Nos`` is converted into so called, Suhaeng(The discipline) of ``the discipline without discipline`` and ``Jeunggwa(the fruit of realization)`` of ``the realization without realization`` which is stressed in later Josaseon(Patriarchal meditation).

I. 들어가는 말
II. 여래선과 조사선의 개념
III. 여래선의 수증론(修證論)
IV. 무수무증(無修無證)의 조사선
V. '방편(方便)'의 여래선과 '도불용수(道不用修)'의 조사선
VI. 맺음말
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]