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2009개정교육과정에 따른 고등학교 "한국사"와 "동아시아사" 교과서를 통해 본 영토교육의 현황과 과제
Education of National Territories: Current Situation and Future Tasks -Examined through the Korean History and East Asian History High School Textbooks commissioned according to the Revised Education System of 2009-
김정인 ( Jeong In Kim )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2015-900-002022208

Examined in this article are eight types of High School Korean History Textbooks, as well as three types of High School East Asian History Textbooks, which were all commissioned and published in 2014 according to the Revised Education System of 2009. Analyzed here in particular are references to certain ‘territorial issues,’ in order to determine how the history of borders and territories are described in these textbooks, and how they are usually discussed nowadays. With such determination, I would like to raise some points that would concern the direction education of such histories should take in the future. Personally, it feels relevant to ask what kind of new challenges are being thrown at the historical education community, in a day and age when education of those subjects are being reinforced. Coming into the 21st century, historical education of territories and boundaries continued to be reinforced substantially. In both Korean History and East Asian History highschool textbooks, the amount of paragraphs and chapters dedicated to the description of such histories definitely increased. But the overall tone and nuance displayed by all these textbooks turn out to be more of the same. They do not reflect diverse perspectives from academic differences as much as they reflect state-sanctioned materials for educating territorial and boundary histories.The most primary objective of today’s territory education, which shows a long history being led by the government, and had maintained the issue surrounding Dok-do island as its centerpiece, was the preservation of the territory of the Republic of Korea. In the future, such objective has to be overcome. We should set a new goal that transcends all that. There should be more than one goal that could be pursued by us. The Korean realm of life should be preserved, but a new, forward-looking kind of relationship should be established between Korea and Japan, and theKorean people should keep training themselves on their way to becoming true guardians of democratic values. These goals will often put us on contradictory paths, but a compromise should be out there, somewhere. Historical education of territories and boundaries should be able to serve ultimately as a tool to educate people the merit of peace. And the academic community should not shy away from throwing hard questions, and responding to them in kind.

Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 영토 교육의 추이와 강화시도
Ⅲ. ‘한국사’ 교과서의 영토관련 서술
Ⅳ. ‘동아시아사’ 교과서의 영토 관련 서술
Ⅴ. 역사교육에서의 영토교육강화가 던지는 과제
Ⅵ. 맺음말
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]