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여성의 미디어활용도와 성형태도가 성형수행과 성형의도에 미치는 영향
The Influence of Female Consumer`s Media Utilization and Attitude toward Plastics Surgery on Experience and Intention toward Plastics Surgery
조남혜 ( Nam Hae Cho ) , 박수경 ( Soo Kyeong Park )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2015-500-002031085

The purpose of this study were to investigate the effect of media utilization and attitude toward plastic surgery on experience and intention toward plastic surgery. The subjects for this study were 312 cases and the research conducted through survey. The data were analyzed by factor analysis, cluster analysis, reliability analysis, ANOVA, Duncan-test, regression analysis using SPSS statistical program. The results were as follows. First, the attitude toward plastics surgery were extracted 3 dimensions(value of plastic surgery, risk tolerance plastic surgery, keeping the secret of plastic surgery). Four groups were divided into value of plastic surgery group, risk tolerance group, keeping the secret group, non-interest group. Second, internet utilization were highest among media utilization, and TV, cable TV, movie, magazine were high orderly. Third, media utilization had a significant influence on experience and intention toward plastic surgery. The higher the magazine utilization was, the higher effect it had on the experience, and the higher the internet utilization was, the higher effect it had on the intention toward plastic surgery. Fourth, the higher the secret keeping attitude was, the higher effect it had on the experience, and the was, the value of plastic surgery higher effect it had on the intention toward plastic surgery.

I. 서 론
II. 이론적 배경
III. 내용 및 방법
IV. 결과 및 고찰
V. 결 론
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]