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산삼 배양근이 함유된 두피토닉이 두피와 모발에 미치는 영향
The Effect about Scalp Tonic with Wild Ginsen Extraction on Scalp and Hair
이명숙 ( Myeong Sook Lee ) , 김미나 ( Mi Na Kim )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2015-500-002031050

This study aims to identify the effects of the use of wild ginseng extracts-contained scalp tonic on scalp and hair. It targets 21 subjects in their 20ties who are living in Busan and they are divided into 3 groups: M-Group(Massage Group) of 7 subjects with scalp massage, and MT-Group(Massage Tonic Group) of 7 subjects with scalp massage and scalp tonic, and C-Group(Comparison Group) of 7 subjects without scalp massage and scalp tonic. The experiment is performed once a week from May 7th, 2012 to June 29th, 2012 for 8 weeks. Their top and front portions are measured with a scalp diagnosis machine(HMD scalp diagnosis system, Borntech, Korea) in week 4 and 8. As a result, it is found in MT-Group that hair density improved by 14.6 hairs (p<.01) in their top and 18.4 hairs (p<.001) in their front in week 8 and hair thickness improved by 0.019 mm(p<.01) in their top and 0.021 mm(p<.001) in their front in week 8. When it comes to scalp condition, normal scalp increased by 50% in week 8 in MT-Group. The MT-Group who received scalp massage and scalp tonic containing wild ginseng extracts is found to be the most effective group in hair density, hair thickness and scalp condition. Therefore, it can be concluded that scalp tonic containing natural substance Wild Ginseng is very effective for scalp and hair improvement.

I. 서 론
II. 내용 및 방법
III. 결과 및 고찰
IV. 결 론
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]