This study intends to grope for another new methodology for the education of poetry composition. The education that has a simple process of 〈Composition→ Criticism〉can hardly lead to a desirable result any more to the generations that are closer to images rather than letters. It is urgent for it to create new contents. The term made by an American sociologist, David Riesman, ‘the Lonely Crowd’, tends to increase day by day. This has resulted in more ‘invisible patients’who are suffering from various mental diseases. Human beings are getting more fragile mentally and their value is greatly damaged on account of such incidents as the murder case in the middle of the street of the day, an arsonist setting fire to a national treasure to get attention, and the suicidal behavior from getting hurt in the off-line space. These are the faults resulted from the education that teaches‘Patience is a virtue that one endures even in absurdity in silence.’The author thinks that this is an absolute point of time to make as a contents the‘education of poetry composition through poetrytherapy’. Poetrytherapy is an alternative medicine using poetry and can be seen as a process for treating mental diseases like psychotic disorders. In other words, poetrytherapy has two attributes of prevention and treatment, and aims to analyze psychological factors and use poetry actively to resolve such problems unlike previous treatments depending on drugs or other kinds of medical equipment. Now is the significant time for the literary education to develop enhanced curricula or contents. In this sense, this article discussed as a method of literary contents, the‘educational practice of poetry composition for poetrytherapy(clinical cases)’. It develops its points including the first one,‘the time for active imagination’and the second one,‘the time for establishing self-identity. Active imagination is different from passive illusion of reckless imagination and is a method to objectify the images of unconsciousness actively and separate ego intentionally. In other words, active imagination is a work to interpret one’s emotion into certain phases. This has positive functions to be used in poetrytherapy as well as to express one’s dream and unconsciousness. The establishment of self-identity through poetrytherapy provides factors that enable a person to confirm his being and position in the virtual space of literary works, which has not been possible in reality. This process of space discovery is a good way to find self-identity.