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최승자 시의 재생의식과 상실의 체험
Regeneration of Choi Seung-Ja`s poems and experience of loss
이재헌 ( Jae Heon Lee )
한국문화기술 vol. 13 123-147(25pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2015-800-002028621

Choi Sueng-Ja’s poems in general contain a fear, an alienation, a rage and hatred. A relationship of confrontation which should stand the overall denial toward the world is why her poems contain these feelings. A system of patriarchy in Capitalism manages crisis well and propagate itself continuously. In her poems, Capitalism is the world without the truth and full of injustice. The Capitalist world lacking sincerity arouses the negative understanding toward the world and this irrational surroundings stimulate her existence strongly. More intense the pain and despair caused by the unfair world, stronger the consciousness of existence is. This is a fatal tragedy to become a negative existence and Choi discloses her desire of destruction. A fierce self-examination against the world is essential to correspond to the surroundings since Choi already recognizes that feeling of an alienation and a solitude is severe. Various responses demonstrate bright light against the tragic situation which became a crippled world. A fierce self-examination makes these responses possible. Choi has spent quite a long time to realize the unity with the object only by throwing away tenacity and greed. A dream of unity with the world is possible only when she throws away the tenacity and attachment to the world. Choi’s act of writing a poem means the process of finding herself. She becomes an independent being to fix her identity and to discern the essence of the life. Moreover, she wants to reconcile with the world and this will extend the existential meaning of human and take the world into the consciousness.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]